
Custom ESLint setup for Angular projects


Maintaining a consistent code quality and adhering to best practices are paramount in any development project. I’ve spent considerable time crafting a robust ESLint configuration that aligns with my development principles. Together with slight modifications, I keep on using it on most of my Angular projects.

Today, I am excited to announce releasing this custom configuration as an npm package @jkba/eslint-config-angular.

It is important to mention, this configuration is neither the perfect solution nor the only correct one. It is rather an opinionated solution. Therefore, I understand that not everyone may share my approach, and that’s perfectly okay. It is also possible to extend this solution and modify specific rules with regard to the specific needs of your project.

Installation & Usage

Please refer to the package GitHub page.


Some of the features covered by this package:

  • Accessibility
  • Angular
  • i18n
  • NgRx
  • Prettier
  • RxJS
  • Typescript (strict types optionaly)