
Mikrotik Wave2 Basic Wireless Setup


Mikrotik finally offers devices supporting Wave2. However, even QuickSetup unfortunately does not provide a fully correct (i.e., compatible) wireless configuration that meets the needs of typical users. It’s common to encounter issues like iPhones refusing to connect or other obstacles. Unfortunately, Mikrotik’s documentation is not particularly helpful in this regard.

iPhone Won’t Connect to 802.11ax Network

The issue usually stems from the Security Profile. A minimal working configuration looks like this:

add authentication-types=wpa3-psk connect-priority=0 disable-pmkid=yes disabled=no encryption=ccmp group-encryption=ccmp management-encryption=cmac management-protection=required name=sec1 wps=disable

Subsequently, you can configure the WiFi interface using 802.11ax, ensuring that it uses the new security profile.

set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] .frequency=5320 .skip-dfs-channels=disabled .width=20/40/80mhz configuration.mode=ap .ssid=MyWifi5Ghz disabled=no security=sec1 security.connect-priority=0

Similarly, for 2.4 GHz.

set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] channel.skip-dfs-channels=10min-cac configuration.mode=ap .ssid=MyWifi2.4Ghz disabled=no security=sec1 security.connect-priority=0

WebFig “Invalid value in undefined” Bug

For at least several months now (currently version 7.15.3), there has been a bug in WebFig that prevents saving the WiFi configuration. Saving ends with the error message Invalid value in undefined. The problem lies in the “Reselect Interval” field, which automatically resets.

Error message

Each time, you need to remove the field with the arrow button and then save it again.

Error message

Alternatively, you can use Terminal or WinBox.